Making the future better today

Captive BioSolutions unlocks the power of polymer encapsulated catalysts such as microbes, binders, cofactors, and enzymes to combat the food-water-climate-health crisis. 




Biobead alleviates the need for synthetic fertilizer by providing a biofertilizer that enhances crop yields while enabling carbon capture and reducing water and air pollution.

Sea02 is a system for farming microalgae at sea at massive scale to combat the climate crisis and deacidify the oceans while providing food and energy to the world



HydroBead is remediating polluted water to protect aquatic habitats and offers a bioproduction platform for various bio-based processes.

Thera-T is a novel drug delivery method to tackle critical human health challenges such as kidney well-being.

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great