Thera-T is a novel drug delivery method to tackle human health challenges such as kidney well-being.

About Thera-T

  • Why use it?

    As opposed to the expensive, time consuming and physiologically stressful treatment of conventional dialysis, Thera-T leverages the idea of “bubble tea”, a popular beverage containing tapioca ‘bubbles’ in tea. However, the “bubbles” in Thera-T are functionalized hydrogel beads that contain a variety of microbes, enzymes, and chemical binders capable of removing uremic toxins within the gastrointestinal tract.

  • The benefit!

    Thera-T bubbles act like mobile and compartmentalized ‘mini-dialysis machines’ that can be safely ingested, taking advantage of peristalsis to travel down the GI tract while safely consuming and lowering the concentrations of toxins. The hydrogels will be conveniently excreted from the body, avoiding the use of invasive medical devices. Delivering these hydrogels in a patient-friendly bubble tea drink provides a means of minimizing the physically and psychologically draining dialysis treatment.