Sea02 is a system for farming microalgae at sea at massive scale to combat the climate crisis and deacidify the oceans while providing food and energy to the world

About Sea02

  • What is it?

    SeaO2 Farms, proposes a novel method to grow gigatonnes of microalgae offshore, at a fraction of the cost of land crops and without using arable land or fresh water while being able to harvest and process the biomass.

  • The Vision

    While our vision is to sequester carbon at a multi-gigaton scale using BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), we are excited that our approach also allows for the generation of valuable products that could be extracted from the microalgae prior to processing the biomass for use as BECCS biofuel.

    Some valuable products that are extracted from algae today include protein powders, lipids, alginate, and specialty nutraceuticals.